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Adult Services

Special Care works with adults in the family home as well as the community in their natural environments. In-home services allow individuals  to stay in their familiar environment and work on a variety of different skills that are client and family centered and individualized.

What We Provide

Ages 18 and Older:

Coordinated Family Support Services 

A new specialized service through North Bay Regional Center for individuals aging out of children’s services at 18, as well as adults that desire to continue living in the family home rather than alternate housing, group homes, or supported living.

Healthcare Training and Treatment Services

Healthcare Professionals (licensed Nurses and others) for home based and remote services and individuals training with families and caregivers- medical conditions, medications, post discharge instructions, healthcare plans, CPR, First Aid, and other individualized healthcare needs.

(North Bay Regional Center funded if authorized, or private-pay)

We are currently intaking clients for our 18+ programs!

NOTE---For clients of North Bay Regional Center, please reach out to your Service Coordinator for a referral to Special Care Services.

For referral inquiry or more information please email:

Special Care Director of Adult Services Shawntee Vaquero, at

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